With the new Horizon Next-gen Console, the Horizon on-perm licensing procedure is changed.
A new component named Horiozn Edge will require to facilitate the activation. This Horizon Edge can only be created and downlod from the Next-gen Console. Following is the procedure of the deployment.
*********************** Important Initial Steps *************************
First of all, you may cross check the deployment prerequisites with following KB. Make sure all DNS record and firewall ports are ready.
One of the prerequisites is creating a DNS record. You need to assign an internal hostname and IP address for the Horizon Edge virtual appliance.
On your DNS server, plase create an A record for the hostname.
Remember to check "Create associated pointer (PTR) record.
Login your Horiozn Next-gen Console.
(The procedure of on-boarding the Horiozn Next-gen Console can refer this blog. https://www.tech-fellow.com/post/onboarding-the-horizon-next-gen-portal-nov-2023)
Click "Resources" -> "Capacity".
Click "Horizon Edges".
Click "Add" button.
From the pull down list, select "Horiozn 8".
It will bring you to the Horizon Edge deployment procedure.
On step 1, check "I confrim that all requirements are met.
Click "Next".
On step 2.
Provide the display name of this Horizon Edge setting.
Click "Next".
On step 3.
Select "Private data center" for Capacity type.
Select "Hong Kong (Hong Kong)" for Location.
Click "Next".
On step 4.
Provide the FQDN for the Horizon Edge appliance. The name should be same as the A record created on the DNS server.
Enable "Agent Monitoring".
Click "Next".
A message of creating Edge will be displayed.
Wait for the creation complete and the Next button available.
Click "Next".
On step 5.
A download button will be available for downloading the OVF file.
To make the deployment easier, i will use an alternative way to save the proceudre of downloading and upload ovf file.
By right click the "Download" button, you can select "Copy Link Address".
Paste the ovf download link to a temporary note.
Click "Next".
On step 6.
A pairing code will be displayed. Copy the pairing code.
Paste the pairing code to a temporary note.
Login the vCenter Server.
Netvigate to the location you planning to place the Horizon Edge appliance.
Right click and select "Deply OVF Template".
Paste the ovf download link copied from step 5.
Click "Next".
Provide the name of the VM.
Click "Next".
Select the Cluster you planning to place the appliance.
Click "Next".
Click "Next".
Check "I accept all license agreement".
Click "Next".
Select the datastore you planning to place the appliance.
Click "Next".
Select the network you planning for the appliance.
Click "Next".
Provide the password for the root account.
Paste the pairing code copied from step 6 to Connection String.
Scroll down the window.
(Optional step) You may provide the Proxt setting if your network cannot access Internet directly.
Scroll down the window.
Provide corresponging network information of the appliance.
Click "Next".
Click "Finish".
Wait until the appliance deployed
Start the appliance.
Go back to the Horizon Next-gen Console.
On step 6.
Click the "Refresh" button.
*** The paring process will be performed between the appliance and the Next-gen console on background. Depends on the busyness of the Next-gen Console, this paring process may take 20 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Once the paring process complete, you will see "Pairing Successful".
Click "Next".
On step 7.
Provide the information of Connection Server.
Provide the credential of Connection Server.
Click "Finsih".
Click "Confirm" to accept the certificate of Connection Server.
You can login back the Connection Server and found the Connection Server is now activated.
If you go back to the Horizon Next-gen Console, you will see the licnense is activated under "Subscription" page.
----- END -----