For some reasons the Horizon Connection Server may have desktop pool orphaned like following. You cannot operate or delete it from the Connection Server anymore.
To remove those orpahned dekstop pools, we can simply delete it from the Horizon Database. To do this, you may follow the procedures below.
login to the Connection Server with administrator account.
Search and launch the MMC console.
In the MMC console, click "File".
Click "Add/Remove Snap-in".
Select "ADSI Edit" in the left pane.
Click "Add".
Make sure "ADSI Edit" shown in the right pane.
Click "OK"
Right click "ADSI Edit" under Console Root.
Click "Connect to".
In the Connecting Setting window, inplut following information.
Name: Horizon View ADAM
Connection Point: DC=vdi, DC=vmware, DC=int
Computer: localhost:389
Click "OK".
Netvigate to "OU=Server Groups".
And you can find all dekstop pools listed in the right pane.
Right click the pool you are going to delete.
Click "Delete".
Netvigate to "OU=Applications".
And you can find all dekstop pools listed in the right pane.
Right click the pool you are going to delete.
Click "Delete".
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