Horizon Connection Server is installed with a self-signed certificate by default. This doesn't affected any features actually. But still not recommended for production environment. Since certificate error may appear during user daily operation and making a bad user experience.
To replace the self-signed cert, you have to obtain a valid certificate from 3rd party CA like Godaddy.
****** The certificate file from 3rd party must include private key******
Then logon to the Connection Server. Open Microsoft Management Console and add Certificate snap-in.
Remember to select "Computer account" for adding the snap-in.
Select "Personal" -> " Certificate" from left plane. Right click and select "Import".
Import the 3rd party certificate as usual procedure.
****** Select "Mark this key as exportable" during import ******
Once imported, you will see following 2 certificates available.
****** The certificate imported must exportable******
The self-signed certificate will have "vdm" as Friendly Name. Right click it and select "properties".
Rename the Friendly name to "vdm_org".
Click "OK".
Then right click the 3rd party certificate and select "properties".
And rename the Friendly name to "vdm".
Click "OK".
The last step you may restart the "Connection Server" service to reboot the server to take effect.
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